Motor sports sponsorships talk about four attributes of the Army that show a connection to these programs: Speed, Power, Teamwork and Technology. For FY09 we have selected a new NASCAR team, Stewart-Haas Racing (SHR). It was a risk going with a new team but one that has proven to be very beneficial to the Army […]
Army Strong
Mobile Billboards – A BIG Mistake
In June of 2008 I was ordered to pay over $200K to wrap 32 Army Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES) Trucks as displayed above after a series of papers I rote on why this was a bad idea. This was the creative idea of 2 Generals who know nothing about marketing, one of whom runs […]
NASCAR Driver Ryan Newman Visits Fort Bragg For An Army 101
U.S. Army NASCAR driver Ryan Newman and crew members participated in a “greening” process Monday (Jan. 12) at Fort Bragg, home of the 82nd Airborne Division and the U.S. Army’s Special Operations Command. The visit gave Newman and the team a glimpse into the strength of the Army Strong Soldier. The full-day of activities at […]
ESPN Will Take on Army With Its Own High School Game
My Thoughts The following article was published today. While it is certainly disappointing that UnderArmor has created this game, I think we have a history that will keep us as the game of choice. Seems strange that they did not approach us to be a partner rather than a competitor. Its not like we are […]
Lifehouse – Promoting the Army All American Bowl Game
Army Launching New Ad Campaign on Veterans Day
The Army is launching three new nationally televised advertisements on Veterans Day (tomorrow) with the theme “Strength like no other.” The new ads are part of a campaign that will further extend the Army Strong brand. The campaign will eventually include four 30-second ads and a 60-second “anthem” spot that will air on ESPN, MTV […]
Army, Sears partner for 1st Infantry clothing line

My Thoughts During the last two years I worked with my team to expand licensing program in an attempt to improve our brand awareness, and acceptance from our prospects. Although there are numerous partnerships, one of the biggest was with Sears. The result of the licensing program lead to over $2 million in royalties paid […]
NASCAR: TV Commercial during broadcast of Coke 400
2008 Army All American Bowl Game Results

In December 2007 I posted thoughts about a New York Times article about the competition between ESPN and the US Army All American Bowl Game. The results are in…we won in every category. We had better ranked players, higher attendance, and higher television viewership. LESSON LEARNED: Focus on improving your own brand, be the best […]
ESPN Will Take on Army With Its Own High School Game

I was quoted in the following New York Times article recently. Although I don’t know the impact ESPN will have on our game I do believe that the competition will get us more publicity this year and as a result may attract more viewers. ________________________________________________________________________________ On Jan. 5, two high school postseason games will be […]