Going through transition myself as well as working with other transitioning service members I have had an opportunity to see what works and doesn’t work and heard and experienced the frustration associated with leaving the military and finding civilian employment. The following are a list of tips I have developed over the years and […]
I’ll hire passion over passive any day!
On Friday night I met with Jeremy Langhans (@Jer425 and @bluelabeltalent) and Steve Levy (@LevyRecruits) in Seattle. During the course of our discussions I made the comment that is now the title of this blog post. They both shared it through Twitter so here are the thoughts behind the comment. In 1995 I was a captain in the […]
MSNBC – US Army and Social Media
This was recently broadcast on MSNBC. I’m happy to see that what we started back in 2007 is finally getting recognition.
New U.S. Military Policy Opens Up Social Media to the Troops
The Article A new policy released today by the Pentagon has reversed multiple bans on social media websites and tools, effective immediately. This policy includes YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Google Apps and other social tools. Certain branches of the military, such as the U.S. Marines, ban the use of social media because they are a “proven haven for malicious actors and […]
Army featured on MSNBC for Social Media efforts.
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Great news story to show the continued efforts the Army is making into Social Media. LTC Tribus worked for me as we were launching Army Strong Stories. He was one of our first bloggers when he deployed to Iraq in June 2008. LTG […]
Army Exceeds Recruiting Goals for FY09
The Army exceeded its recruiting goal for fiscal year 2009 and is entering the new year with more than 43 percent of its mission in its delayed entry pool, officials announced Wednesday. (Note: The delayed entry pool is made up of individuals who have signed a contract but are delayed in leaving for basic training. […]
Army Culinary Competition
Ice carvings, fancy china and picture perfect food. It’s not a five star restaurant but rather the 34th annual U.S. Army Culinary Arts Competition at Fort Lee in Virginia. The story was picked up by the Washington Post and certainly presents a side of the Army most people don’t know about. Why can you learn […]
Army’s New NASCAR Sponsorship with Stewart-Haas Racing
Motor sports sponsorships talk about four attributes of the Army that show a connection to these programs: Speed, Power, Teamwork and Technology. For FY09 we have selected a new NASCAR team, Stewart-Haas Racing (SHR). It was a risk going with a new team but one that has proven to be very beneficial to the Army […]
Army Exceeds Recruiting Goals for FY08
The Army announced Oct. 10 it exceeded its Fiscal Year 2008 goal by recruiting more than 169,500 men and women in all Army components. The Active Army recruited 80,517 against a mission of 80,000. The Army Reserve recruited 26,945 against a mission of 26,500; and the Army National Guard recruited 62,397 against a mission of […]
Planning and Problem Solving
In an attempt to help the agency better understand the Army today I provided a class on how the Army does the “Military Decision Making Process.” I am looking at ways to adopt this as well as the targeting process I helped develop in 1997 at the artillery school. Al Ries and Jack Trout’s book […]