On Friday night I met with Jeremy Langhans (@Jer425 and @bluelabeltalent) and Steve Levy (@LevyRecruits) in Seattle. During the course of our discussions I made the comment that is now the title of this blog post. They both shared it through Twitter so here are the thoughts behind the comment. In 1995 I was a captain in the […]
Employer Brand
Leadership Lessons from Darth Vader
Darth Vader, not exactly the nicest of bosses, so what can we possibly learn from him? I believe we learn from everyone. Over the years I have worked with many types of leaders, some I learned what to do and others what not to do. I consider myself fortunate that there are far more of the […]
Transforming Your Employer Brand in the Face of Extreme Challenges
This is the presentation I gave at ERE today. In the upcoming weeks I will be adding posts with more details on some of these lessons. If there is something you would like me to address please include it in the comments section.
ERE Recruiting Conference & Expo 2014 Spring
Interested in learning how to build or improve your employer brand? I will be sharing 20 Lessons that I learned running the Army Strong campaign and have validated in the work I have done since leaving the Army. One of the 20 lessons I will share is how I applied my experience developing tactical and […]
Hey Glassdoor…you aren’t helping anymore!
In a recent story posted on the Recruiters Lounge it was reported that “almost half of job seekers use Glassdoor during the job search.” I think it is time for Glassdoor to change how they present their data to candidates to give them the information they really need to make an informed decision.
Games…making recruiting more fun!
Today I had the pleasure of giving this presentation at the Universum Conference. I believe that games can be used to aid recruiting programs. They can be done in many ways at any cost. The only limitation is your imagination! Can we use Games for Recruiting? from David Lee
Why you need an Employer Brand.
If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful. Jeff Bezos In CareerBuilder’s 2012 annual job forecast they published the results of a survey conducted online within the U.S. by Harris Interactive among over 3,000 full time hiring managers and HR professionals conducted throughout November 2011. The following […]
Leadership Thought: Great Leaders Embrace Failure
Many of life’s failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Thomas Edison So many times throughout my life I have heard about people who worked in organizations that didn’t recognize that with true success also comes failure. I believe that great leaders embrace failure as […]
What’s the difference between Consumer and Employer Brand Managers? Lots!
During 2011 I watched as companies in the United States began to add Employment Brand Manager positions to their organization. In October I published a post because I saw that companies were not integrating the efforts of the Consumer and Employer Brands. However, upon reading the job descriptions and speaking with some of the hiring […]
SMO in 5 Steps for Personal, Commercial and Employer Brands
During the last two years I have worked with companies and individuals who want to gain a better understanding of social media and what it can do for them. The simple answer is, if you can’t be found it does nothing for you. In my presentation, Social Media Strategy in 9 Steps, one point I like […]