If you do build a great experience, customers tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful. Jeff Bezos In CareerBuilder’s 2012 annual job forecast they published the results of a survey conducted online within the U.S. by Harris Interactive among over 3,000 full time hiring managers and HR professionals conducted throughout November 2011. The following […]
Employer Brand
Leadership Thought: Great Leaders Embrace Failure
Many of life’s failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Thomas Edison So many times throughout my life I have heard about people who worked in organizations that didn’t recognize that with true success also comes failure. I believe that great leaders embrace failure as […]
SMO in 5 Steps for Personal, Commercial and Employer Brands
During the last two years I have worked with companies and individuals who want to gain a better understanding of social media and what it can do for them. The simple answer is, if you can’t be found it does nothing for you. In my presentation, Social Media Strategy in 9 Steps, one point I like […]
Hire a Vet: Globilization
This is part 11 in an 11 part series. Veterans have experience in cultures all around the world. While most people are only familiar with the deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan service members are stationed all around the globe doing all types of missions. These experiences not only teach them how to deal with people […]
Hire a Vet: Technology
This is part 10 in an 11 part series. The military is an organization that has some of the most advanced technology in the world. From computers to airplanes service members get to learn how to use, maintain and repair equipment that in many cases is first introduced for military use. GPS is just one […]
Hire a Vet: Accountability
This is part 9 in an 11 part series. In the Army, Soldiers are held accountable for all the equipment owned by the Army. That includes weapons, canteens, desks and computers. If any equipment is lost then an investigation is conducted to determine who is held accountable. Soldiers are also held accountable for their […]
Hire a Vet: Performance Under Pressure
This is part 8 in an 11 part series. In the military no two days are the same. For a service member who is deployed, no matter the location, there are many pressures to deal with. From care of your Soldiers and their families to accomplishing all assigned missions. No matter the requirement, military members […]
Hire a Vet: Time Management
This is part 7 in an 11 part series. Part of all military training includes time management. From arriving on time for formations to planning and executing a convoy movement, military members are constantly taught the value of being on time and the effect of poor time management.
Hire a Vet: Diversity
This is part 6 in an 11 part series. Veterans work side-by-side with people from different races, gender, religions, ethnic backgrounds, etc. The Army is a melting pot that represents all of society that now includes people of different sexual persuasions. Service members are not judged on anything but their future potential. Members of the […]
Hire a Vet: Process Oriented
This is part 5 in an 11 part series. Every Soldier in the Army learns some process in doing their job. From basic rifle marksmanship to firing tanks and cannons, Soldiers learn “crew drills” that are standardized throughout the service. In most cases when there has been an accident it has been because someone failed […]